Claim your sparkle back!

We spend most of our time in work. For some of us it’s a passion or a calling. But for many of us it’s what we have to do to pay the bills, to live. It’s become an unsatisfying transaction that is making many of us unhappy, stressed, burned-out and bored-out because our role is no longer fulfilling or meaningful.

This was me over ten years ago.

Everyone around me appeared to be happy and fulfilled at work …

6 in 10 of the Global workforce don't find their work meaningful, don't think their lives are going well or don't feel hopeful about their future. Recent research is revealing that too many women are unfulfilled, ‘BoredOut, stressed and BurntOut at work (Gallup, McKinsey, the Women’s Agenda and Deloitte).

Only 21% of women are settled in the role, meaning that a worrying 79% of women are looking for change of some sort. Ranging from promotions to better salaries, to retraining, starting their own business and planning to start a family (2023 Women’s Ambitions Report).

 So, if this resonates with, know that you are not alone. Many women are feeling the need for change.

Add to this, the challenges of gender barriers, the increased liklihood of age discrimination and the need for more flexible working arrangements as primary carers. It’s clear that women are questioning what is on offer and demanding more.

More for ourselves – more satisfaction, more meaning, more sparkle! You want more and you deserve more!


Let’s sparkle together

By being here right now, you are acknowledging that it’s time to change things for the better.

I can help you by supporting you whilst you make the mindful changes you need in your life to find fulfilment and purpose in your work.

To ultimately claim your sparkle back.


If you are ready to get started this opportunity is for you …

 ‘Claim your Sparkle back’ is a 1:1 six month coaching programme that will move you from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to sparkling with clarity and confidence about your work or life role.

 By month six, my intention is to help you:

  • Get clear on what you want

  • Plan what needs to change to make this happen

  • Grow your confidence in your unique talents and strengths

  • Establish practices to support your life change

  • Determine the steps you need to take to achieve your goal

  • Take action


Can you imagine sparkling with energy, enthusiasm and purpose again?
Are you ready to commit to putting yourself out there
and pursuing your goals wholeheartedly?

With support, tools and commitment you can get to where you want to be.

Coaching package

  • 1 x planning session | 90 mins | Month 1

  • 7 x coaching sessions | 45 mins | Months 2-6

  • Access me via video messaging

  • Tools for inner reflection and taking action

  • Breath, body and mind practices

  • A Trello board to help you track your progress



How do I know if this coaching programme is right for me?

It’s a YES, I am ready if …

  • You have boreout (you’re not lit up or challenged by your job) or burnout or both at work

  • You feel really stuck and frustrated with your current situation e.g. job, health, ingrained habits

  • You don’t know how or what changes to make to get your sparkle back

  • You have tried to make your job/s work for you and aren’t getting anywhere | Square peg in a round hole

  • You are ready to make the change and put in the work

  • You know there is more

  • You are ready and able to put yourself first


It’s a NO, not yet if …

  • You don’t want to do the work

  • You want to be comfortable and for things to be easy

  • You are not open to new ways of approaching challenges, learning and, being coached

  • You aren’t prepared to show up at coaching sessions or take responsibility for managing your time

  • You want help technical help with your career e.g. resume, job applications, etc.

  • You aren’t ready to focus on prioritising YOU


How does one-to-one coaching work?

  • You will complete a pre-coaching questionnaire to help me get to know you and your situation

  • Session 1 is a 90 minute session where we will dive deep into what you want and set your goals

  • We will meet every three weeks to work through your challenges

  • You set the agenda and I’ll help you work through the solutions

  • In each session you will set your plan for the next 21 days

  • At each coaching session we will discuss your challenges, wins and learnings

  • You will be given tools to support you throughout the programme

  • My role as a coach is to help you find the solutions to your challenges


Are you ready to get your sparkle back?

‘Claim your sparkle back’ is designed to empower you to get what you want out of life. It’s about getting to know yourself better, trusting your intuition and giving you the tools to be who you want to be. Let’s work together to reignite the sparkle in you.



Take the next step to get your sparkle back!